Thyme and table signature collection
Thyme and table signature collection

thyme and table signature collection

thyme and table signature collection

#Thyme and table signature collection series

Results summary Elimination chartīaker was the series winner. It premiered on 25 September 2020, with each episode available three days after the UK air date. Series 11 was released on Netflix in the U.S. Sawkins is the first Scottish winner of the programme, and also the youngest winner in the show's 10-year history, at the age of 20. The series was won by Peter Sawkins, with Dave Friday and Laura Adlington finishing as the runners-up. The contestants and crew had to undergo a period of self-isolation after filming had ended. Filming the series normally takes place over 12 or 13 weeks on the weekends, but due to the pandemic, the cast and crew had to live in a "self-contained biosphere" ( Down Hall Hotel near Bishop's Stortford with a skeleton staff), and filming took place in a marquee tent in the garden of the hotel over a period of six weeks. įilming of the eleventh series was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic originally scheduled to take place in April 2020, it was pushed back to July 2020. The bakers were announced on 15 September 2020. The first three episodes were extended to 90 minutes instead of the usual 75 minutes. It was presented by returning host Noel Fielding and new host Matt Lucas, who replaced Sandi Toksvig, and was judged by returning judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith. The eleventh series of The Great British Bake Off began on 22 September 2020.

Thyme and table signature collection